Our Services: Other Legal Support Services

Marks Recoveries & Legal Services also offer the following specialist legal support services.

Landlord & Tenant support services

Marks Recoveries & Legal Services are experienced in housing related matters and Simon Marks is a former member of the Chartered Institute of Housing, having worked as a manager in the housing sector for a number of years. We can offer advice and support to both Landlords and Tenants in the following areas of work:

Landlord Services

  • Comprehensive pre-tenancy financial checks
  • Tenant surveillance (to prevent tenancy fraud and to control anti-social behavior issues)
  • Tenancy inspections
  • End of tenancy checks and inventory taking
  • Rent arrears recovery
  • Notices to quit
  • Issuing possession proceedings
  • Attending court hearings
  • Eviction
  • Post eviction management
  • Recovering rent from former tenants
  • Tracing missing former tenants

Tenant Services

  • Pre-tenancy advice
  • Support with financial budgeting
  • Advice on Housing Benefit, Universal Credit and other Welfare Benefits
  • Assistance with Possession proceedings
  • Assistance when faced with eviction

With over 30 years’ experience in housing related matters, Marks Recoveries & Legal Services have the expert knowledge to assist Landlords and Tenants with a wide range of issues.

Witness Statements

Marks Recoveries & Legal Services are experienced in taking witness statements in a wide range of criminal and civil proceedings, including Section 9 Statements, personal injury claims, insurance investigation claims, and small claims matters.

With our network of specialist agents, we are able to take statements from witnesses anywhere in the UK.

Our Witness Statement Service includes the following elements:

  • Immediate contact with the Witness
  • Arranging to attend the Witness’s address or workplace
  • Writing and preparing the Witness Statement
  • Arranging for the Witness to sign the statement
  • Returning the Witness Statement to our client without delay
  • A professional service for a fixed fee

Pre-Sue Reports

Our comprehensive pre-sue reports allow clients to make an informed decision as to whether they wish to issue court proceedings. The financial information that we can obtain allows us to assess the current financial status of the debtor.

We have a two tier reporting structure.

Our Standard Report includes:

County Court Judgments
Directorships held
Insolvency history
Property value
Telephone number

Our Premium Report additionally includes:

Employment history
Information obtained from a field visit

Business Credit Checks

Commercial clients need to know precisely who they are trading with and the corporate structure of their customers in order to understand the potential risks involved in starting a business relationship.

Our business credit checking service provides clients with information to assist their credit management decisions. Our reports include:

  • County Court Judgment searches
  • Credit scoring
  • Details of the corporate structure
  • Directorship details
  • Exact trading entity
  • Insolvency history
  • Ownership of the business

We can provide clients with a supplementary service that highlights any changes in a business customer’s financial status.

Directorship Reports

It may be necessary to establish who the directors of a business are, for example when looking at director’s guarantees to secure credit facilities. We provide a directorship report to assist with important decisions. Reports include the following information:

  • Full names and addresses of all directors
  • Other directorships held
  • History of connection with dormant or failed companies
  • Personal insolvency history of directors
  • County Court Judgment search for individual directors

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Alternative Dispute Resolution is a method of resolving disputes without using the court system. It can be a cost effective method of settlement, whilst helping retain or rebuild relationships if desired.

With over 30 years’ experience in ADR, Marks Recoveries & Legal Services have settled disputes with varying values and complexity by using an innovative process of mediation to avoid formal litigation.